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We have already filled and had to empty the memory cards on both our camera because we are obsessed with Reef! These pictures are all from our very long stay in the hospital.

So, here's the scoop on Reef's entrance into the world. After experiancing major pain in my lower back and hips for about 2 days straight, we finally decided to go to the hospital Monday Dec 21st around 11pm. We were taken to triage to be examed. At this point I was at about 3cm! I was thrilled to know that I had made some progress. We spent the next hour walking around and made it to a 4. We were of course excited because even though I was already having extreme back pain, we were making progress. We were then admitted and decided to try to get some sleep. Tuesday morning arrived and Mama Aje was on her way. She gave me strict instructions to keep the baby in until she got there...boy would I regret agreeing to this! With the routine check ups through the night, we were getting disappointed becasuse I was no longer progressing at a quick rate. In fact it was taking about 3-5hrs for each cm, and my pain was increasing serverly through my back and hips with every contraction... not fun! Around 4am, my Dr. ( Dr Kells... bless his soul!) decided to break my water. I had heard that this can be painful but with all the built up pressure I was having it was such a relief!
Unfortunately, after many, many, MANY more hours of intense labor and back pain, I was still progressing very slowly and hadnt slept at all. So I decided to get an epidural= GOOD CHOICE! I was able to get some sleep through the rest of my struggle to dialate. And it really was a struggle. I cant even tell you how many nurses we went through! Thankfully they were all wonderful and encouraging. Around 1am on Wednesday...yes that's right... Wedesday, I finally got to a 10 and was given the go ahead to start pushing. I worked with the nurse for about half an hour until Dr. Kells arrived. After a brief examination, he quickly decided that it was time to get this little baby out.... C-Section. I am still suprised to even think this, but I was so relieved when he made the decision. And so was Alex. We both just looked at each other, and I could see on his face that he was as happy as I was just to know that very soon we our baby would be here.
We were both quickly prepped for surgery and taken to our delivery room. The surgery went so smoothly. On Wednesday December 23rd at 4:31am Reef was born and we were both just instantly overwhelmed with joy. He cried right away and I was able to watch as Alex stood by as the nurses cleaned him up. Alex cut his cord with a very proud daddy face. I was able to see Reef just briefly before I was taken to get finished up. We were exhausted afterward, but it was so worth it! Soon we were all together in our recovery room.... finally Reef had made us a little family.
My mom (Mamma Aje) was able to be there for most of my very long labor.... about 27 hours from the time we were admited. I am so thankful to have had her there for added support for me and for Alex. We were sad to see her go just one day after Reef was born, but it was Christmas Eve and she needed to be with our family.
We spent Christmas in the hospital and although we missed our families, it was so special to spend our first Christmas together just the 3 of us. Words cannot express how just being together and not caring about anything else in the world put into perspective how much we love this little baby boy. We couldnt have asked for a better Christmas present.
We are loving parenthood so far. Reef is such a sweet baby and he has made the transition so easy for us. I am so thankful to everyone for the support and love that you have given us. And I am especially grateful to have Alex. He is such a great dad and I would be undoubltbly pulling out my hair by now if I didnt have him by my side.


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